Traditional banks vs. offshore banks vs. ‘Banking On Subscription’

Stankevicius Pacific Limited
4 min readApr 21, 2023


Traditional banking

Entering the financial industry is a complex task for private companies, particularly when it comes to obtaining a banking license. The regulatory hurdles and compliance requirements can pose significant difficulties, which is why many private firms struggle to gain entry into the financial sector. This article explores the challenges private companies face when trying to obtain a banking license and enter the financial industry.

One of the main obstacles that private companies face is the rigorous regulatory framework that governs the financial industry. Financial institutions are subject to strict rules and regulations that aim to maintain the stability of the financial system and protect consumers. Obtaining a banking license requires compliance with these regulations, which can be complex and time-consuming. Private firms must invest significant resources into navigating these regulations and ensuring they are meeting the necessary requirements.

In addition to regulatory hurdles, private companies also face challenges when it comes to establishing a banking infrastructure. Setting up a banking operation requires significant investment in technology and infrastructure, such as IT systems, data centers, and physical branches. This requires a significant capital investment, which may not be feasible for all private firms.

Another challenge that private companies face is the competition from established financial institutions. The financial industry is dominated by large, established banks that have significant market share and brand recognition. This makes it difficult for smaller private companies to gain a foothold in the industry, particularly when it comes to attracting customers and building trust.

Furthermore, private companies often lack the experience and expertise required to navigate the complex financial industry. Banking requires specialized knowledge in areas such as risk management, lending, and compliance. It takes time and resources to build the necessary expertise, and smaller private firms may struggle to compete with larger institutions that have been in the industry for decades.

Despite these challenges, there are opportunities for private companies to enter the financial industry. One approach is to partner with established financial institutions, such as banks or credit unions, to provide specialized services or products. This can help smaller firms to leverage the resources and expertise of larger institutions while still maintaining their independence.

Another approach is to focus on niche markets or specific customer segments that are underserved by established institutions. For example, private companies could focus on providing financial services to small businesses or low-income households.

In conclusion, private companies face significant challenges when trying to enter the financial industry and obtain a banking license. These challenges include regulatory hurdles, competition from established institutions, and the need to build a banking infrastructure. However, there are opportunities for private firms to succeed in the financial industry by leveraging their expertise, partnering with established institutions, or focusing on niche markets.

Offshore banking

Establishing an offshore bank can provide numerous benefits for private companies. An offshore bank is a financial institution located outside the jurisdiction of the company’s home country. This essay explores the benefits of private companies establishing offshore banks.

One of the primary benefits of an offshore bank is increased financial privacy. Offshore banks are typically located in countries with strict bank secrecy laws, which provide greater confidentiality and anonymity for bank account holders. This can be particularly useful for high-net-worth individuals, as well as companies that want to keep their financial activities confidential.

Another benefit of offshore banking is tax optimization. Many offshore jurisdictions offer lower tax rates than the home country of the company or individual. By establishing an offshore bank account, companies can take advantage of these lower tax rates and reduce their tax burden.

Offshore banking can also provide protection against political instability and economic crises. Offshore banks are typically located in stable, politically neutral countries that are less likely to experience economic turmoil. This can provide a secure and stable environment for companies to conduct their financial activities.

In addition, offshore banking can provide greater flexibility in financial management. Offshore banks typically offer a wider range of financial products and services than domestic banks, including international wire transfers, multi-currency accounts, and investment products. This can provide greater flexibility in managing cash flows and investments.

Offshore banks can also offer greater asset protection. By holding assets in an offshore bank account, companies can protect their assets from potential lawsuits, creditors, and other legal claims. Offshore bank accounts are typically subject to different legal jurisdictions than domestic accounts, which can provide greater legal protection.

Finally, establishing an offshore bank can provide access to global markets. Offshore banks typically have extensive international networks and can provide companies with access to a wide range of global financial markets. This can be particularly useful for companies that operate globally and need to manage their finances across multiple countries.

In conclusion, establishing an offshore bank can provide numerous benefits for private companies. These benefits include increased financial privacy, tax optimization, protection against political instability and economic crises, greater flexibility in financial management, asset protection, and access to global markets. However, it is important to note that offshore banking also carries certain risks, including regulatory and legal risks, which must be carefully managed. Overall, offshore banking can be a useful tool for companies looking to optimize their financial activities and expand their global reach.

Banking Enterprise on Subscription

At Stankevicius Group, we have been developing an exploring a new option called Banking On Subscription. Banking On Subscription means that private companies can simply pay annual license fee to white-label the entire bank. This service is currently being provided by Stankevicius Group. It is complete a new concept that Stankevicius Group is exploring right now.

Stankevicius Corporate Services, London based subsidiary of Stankevicius Group provides international offshore banking license together with complete white-label banking technology. A combination enabling clients to enter financial industry at ease on subscription and annual license payment model.



Stankevicius Pacific Limited

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